Where I immortalise the special moments in people’s lives with emotionally rich photographs that will continue to make people smile for generations to come.


Whether it's a city rooftop, barefoot on the beach, under a tree in the backyard or in the outback covered in dust... COUNT ME IN!

I am just as excited for your day, as you are, as each new couple I meet is a new story, new destination, and most importantly new friends. It isn’t just a day I’m capturing, it’s an experience, and I can’t wait to share it with you!


You said 'YES'... Congratulations!

Engagement sessions are a great opportunity for you to relax, celebrate the journey you have shared so far and the excitement of what is to come.


Fine art portraits are something I love to do. The images created in a fine art portrait session are emotive. They evoke a sense of spirit and connection.

My job is to capture and express who you are, a glimpse of your inner-self in an image that is given a ‘painterly’ feel to be displayed on your wall for an eternity.


The pending arrival of a new baby is such a precious moment in time.

Filled with a combination of love and excitement, a wanting to hold onto the sheer miracle of pregnancy forever and impatient-ness of wanting it to be over to meet your precious bundle.


Oh how I adore working with newborns and babies.

From fresh squishy newborns, babies first smiles, learning to sit and then suddenly run! Capturing any little person at any age and stage is so precious; watching their innocence explore the world, learn and grow is magical and changes so quickly.


All of your big and little loves together.

Capturing your family walking (running, jumping and climbing) to the beat of your own drum. I love documenting the calm and the chaos of family life, from sandy toes, snugly cuddles, favourite toys, family pets to shoulder rides and everything in-between, in your home or adventuring out in the big wide world.  


Helping you put your best looking foot forward.

Corporate Events, Conferences, Headshots, Products and ‘At-Work’ Documentation and Award Night photography.


0407 702 538

PO Box 6488 Coffs Harbour